NATCO Pre-Conference


NATCO Pre-Conference

February 23, 2025 | San Antonio, TX

Agenda and Registration Coming Soon!


The NATCO Pre-Conference is design for an "All Teach All Learn" learning environment. What may seem standard for one organization could be something new and innovative for another. The goal of this meeting is to unite the community through sharing best practices and ideas with one another to increase donation and transplant.

Breakouts include:

Hospital Engagement

Hospital Engagement staff maintain a close, collaborative relationship with hospitals to help define, shape, and guide their roles in the donation process while developing consistency in the mission.

Family Services

Family Services requires effective communication and family care skills to support families and partner with hospital staff to preserve the donation opportunity. 

Referral Optimization

Referral Optimization focuses on overseeing and analyzing organ and tissue referral processes. This includes an analysis of the data and steps of all parts of a referral including: referral response, authorization, and potential conversation to maximize the gifts with every donation opportunity. Consideration includes timing of referral response, preparation of family conversation, donor case management and organ utilization. Further discussion will be held on how the role of Administrator on Call is used at various OPOs to maintain laser focus on referrals. 

2024 Pre-Conference Planning Committee


Start planning now to join us in 2025!